CHALLENGE: After 25 years, San Francisco's Adobe Books is threatened with closure due to rapidly changing 16th street and the second wave. Rather than shutter their doors, a small group of people decide to create a cooperatively owned business. The analog nature of the bookstore reveals itself quickly and makes a capital raising campaign tricky. Beyond word-of-mouth, there is no way to communicate to the artists, musicians and book lovers that call Adobe Books home; there is no email list.
SOLUTION: This is a story of transformation: an iconic local bookstore, run mostly as a community and arts space, must evolve to survive. It becomes a co-operative, moves to another neighborhood, and continues to live its life in a new form. This involves a new look and feel for its brick and morter, it’s first ever brand identity, and new approaches to communicating with it’s audience.
ROLE: Creative director.
CHALLENGE: Adobe Books is a functioning bookstore, gallery, and performance space largely run by volunteers. The website needs to be easily edited by many people with a variety of computer skills and communication needs.
SOLUTION: Leveraging a consumer oriented system that can be edited by multiple editors, has flexible and responsive templates, and features a browser based interface makes sense for a small retail shop. Over time an iteractive site is developed based on needs expressed through a monthly, on-going meeting of stakeholders.
ROLES: Web and experience Design. wireframing, UX / UI, visual design, copy writing, photography, and lead generation.
CHALLENGE: Independent bookstores have a model which is struggling. Adobe needs to Increase over-all sales and expand the revenue streams, to compete in the market. All while maintaining their core values.
SOLUTION: Create a membership program that feels familiar and becomes a simple line item on a household’s over-all expenses. The three level membership program brings revenue in the shop regardless whether people actually claim the rewards.
ROLES: Campaign concept an strategy. Visual design, marketing concept,
copy writing, visual design, and UX.
CHALLENGE: Adobe Books has no social media presence; it doesn't even have an email address. Transition from analog business, and create a communication platform.
SOLUTION: Create templates that are flexible enough to be used by non-designers, and applicable to different projects. Give several authors editing permissions, with specific people in charge of specific channels. Create timelines with deadlines around events and promotions, so everyone is clear about what is expected. Discuss with stakeholders the on-line tone of the store, based on shared values.
ROLES: Visual design, marketing strategy, and copy writing.
CHALLENGE: As part of the 25th anniversary of Adobe Books, launch a series of events and projects to celebrate the past, and to support the future, both fiscally and culturally.
SOLUTION: A series of after-hours events at the bookstore that partner with existing arts institutions. Recruit from their audience; bring new people in to the shop. The event is word-of-mouth\invite only, and advertised via a simple printed card. Create old-time cocktails, menus, and table cards. Black out the front windows; inside a live band plays old jazz. Lights are dim, cocktails are available, people dress up. It is a packed house. The store closes down after 2am. No social media, before, during, and after. The focus is on the people who are there, and the moment. The event lives in one's memory, not in one's social feed. The aim is to elevate one's expectations of being in a bookstore and what can happen there.
This limited edition bookmark is made with the artist Chris Johanson, and receives a matching grant from Rainbow Grocery to support other cooperatively run businesses. ROLE: Artist relationship, visual and production design.
CHALLENGE: Swag and capitalism are not exactly what people think of when they think of Adobe Books. Create something useful, that resonates as authentic. Expand the business model, but in a way that doesn't kill the vibe.
SOLUTION: Something the cool kids can use, as well as the book nerds (and all those that fit in-between).
ROLES: Concept, graphic, and production design.
CHALLENGE: When Adobe Books switches to a cooperatively owned model, much of the labor is completed on a volunteer basis. It is a business that exists solely because people want it to, and because they see that it has value. How is volunteer time valued, and how is appreciation for effort shown in ways other than monetary?
SOLUTION: Annual co-op cards are created. They are given out in an official ceremony, with a verbal thank you and a handshake.
ROLES: Program concept, graphic and production design.